Hang on, I think I just got into a Gatling gun duel…

Browsing Posts in Cottage

Bug’s Brain

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I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving. I headed up to the cottage for a weekend with the family. Had a wonderful turkey dinner on Saturday and got a bunch of work done with my brother on the in-floor heating, completing the heat transfer plate installation as well as getting the insulation all up. Framing […]

Bug’s Brain

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Fitness Institute and Strong Lifts 5×5 Program As I mentioned in my last two posts, I recently joined the Fitness Institute. I’ve been able to work out there twice now, and figured I’d give some thoughts on the 5×5 program and the facilities I’ve used thus far. First up, I am very happy with the […]

I headed up to the cottage again this past weekend, and as usual, a good time was had. I was the only one of my generation up there until Friday evening when Hayley showed up. We didn’t get a lot done with knocking stuff off the “to-do” list (mostly because I was so tired I […]